Are your items selling out fast and do you want to reorder them easily? We’ll show you how to quickly add your previous orders to your shopping cart.

  1. ‘My Orders’ page

Go to and log in to your account. On the top right corner, hover over ‘My Account’ and click ‘My Orders’. You will be able to see your previous orders and the items that are in each order.

  1. Repeating your order

Find which order ID you would like to re-order, to check which items are in each order, simply click ‘Details’. If you’re ready to re-order, click ‘Reorder’. This will add the items to your cart.

  1. Out-of-stock items

Out of stock and lower quantity available than specified items will appear on top of your cart, highlighted in red. In-stock items will be underneath. Bear in mind that items highlighted in red might be available in other variations. Simply open the item in a new tab to check. If it’s available in other variations, you can specify the quantity desired and click ‘Adjust cart’, this will add it to your cart.

  1. Automatic Update

Alternatively, you can also click on ‘Auto Update’ to adjust the quantity of items in the cart to what is currently available. This will remove out of stock items in your cart.

  1. Checking Out

After finalizing your order, you can finish the re-order process by clicking on ‘Checkout’

If you have any questions, feel free to Contact Us.